
I will rise.

I'm going through tough times, my family has problem that we have to face, and yeah, it’s hard. I prayed and felt that my prayer is just hitting the ceiling and felt that God didn’t listen. Of course not, He listens, but I felt that way. Then I read Purpose Driven Life, I was on chapter 14.

It’s about Job, how he felt that God didn’t say anything to him during his tough times. I can’t say it’s like my condition because mine now is nothing compared to Job’s. I learn from Job, he told God what he felt about his tough times, he’s ruined in people’s point of view but he still believe in God, believe that God is good, faithful and will help him somehow! Ha!

God is here when I need him. He didn’t really remove my problems, but He strengthens me. Again. He’s good. He’s faithful and somehow He will help my family through this hardship at the right times.

I remember a verse saying, He makes all things wonderful at the right time. Bible didn’t say in the end of time it would be wonderful, Bible said wonderful at the right time. I was praying waiting for God just to finish all this, yes I put hope in Him but I was wrong that I was waiting to the end. Suddenly God speaks to me through the verse that I once read somewhere in the bible, that God makes all things wonderful in HIS time. Who are we to judge when the right time for us?

Purpose Driven Life chapter 14 also mention some practical ways when God ‘seems’ to be far away. Tell God exactly how you feel. Focus on God’s never changing personality and promises. Believe that God keeps His promises. Remember what He’s done for us.

It hits me when I read explanation for focus on God’s never changing personality and promises; He’s good, He loves me, He’s with me, He knows what I experience, He cares, and He has good plan for my life.
Job’s condition is way worse than my family’s now, but He still able to hold on God’s promises and even praise Him. Wow. The power of God in him. If Job can do it, my family can do it too, I can do it too. Praise the Lord!


Michael Ayotte said...

When you feel lost, forgotten, sad or confused, put this song on. Let it take your thoughts to a place of love, of hope, of peace. To a place where there is no pain or hurt. To a place "Where the Sun Never Sets."


Anonymous said...

i dunno u've got through ur problem or not, but i just want to share with you. i just feel so desperate, i've done everything i have to do. read bible, praising him in hard times, pray, fasting, half day fasting to daniel fasting i did it all, but i haven't seen the way out yet! i don't know what else i hv to do. i mean, sometimes i feel like, i hv to move, do what i can as human to get out from this problem, still in believe-in-him condition of course. but in the other hand i feel like, i have to completely surrender to him. means, just do the spiritual things without give other endevours.
i've done both of it.
when i did the first method, i got total fail! so i thought, "oh okay, god wants me to compeletely surrender to him.", so i do the second method, and here i am. a desperate man with no way out signs (if i want to be realistic, cause my faith still believe if he can. but sometimes what we see could affect us right? and this is what i feel.)
sorry to tell you this, i'm not trying to get your symphaty or what, i just think maybe you can share how god helped you and your family got out from your problem, so i can implement some of your methods in my problem and pray it works.
thanks cal.
and yeah, i've yelled to him about my condition but just like u said, it seems like just hitting the ceiling.