
in His time

In His time, in His time
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord, please show me everyday,
as You're teaching me Your way
that You'll do just what You say in Your time.

In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring.
May each song I have to sing
be to You a lovely thing in Your time.

It is a lovely Sunday school song that I like since ever. I was singing praise tonight and played this song again, and I feel the Lord just strengthen me for everything that I've been through.

My dad has been sick for 3 years, and I barely see him since I live in the other side of the world. I can't really do anything, except praying for him. I love him so much. And I'm really proud of my mom. For me, she's the perfect wife that I always look up to.

I'm really really sad, especially I just got another 'not so good' news again about him. Just FEEL like screaming and asking God, why is this happening to our family? But as I listen to this song again, I felt God already answer my question (that I don't really want to ask God directly). He works in ways I can't understand, but He knows the perfect timing and He will make everything beautiful.
He might not give me what I want, but He KNOWS exactly what I need, what the family needs, and I have faith in Him. I'm so glad I have Someone that really be there for me and just, really, know the perfect timing. I've seen lots of His perfect timing in my life and yes, He opens my eyes to really realize how everything works together perfectly.

Yes, I know my dad is still sick, I know things are still tangled. But I also know that He's gonna give our family what's the best in His eyes which is mean the best for our family. And as for now, I know He holds my hand, my dad's hand, my mom's and my sisters'. He's with us.

Yes I'm sad, but I feel peaceful. That's a feeling that I can't really describe.


Evan Ramsay said...

I'm sorry to hear about that Calista, I'll pray for you guys. That's a beautiful song, stay strong, keep faith. You aren't alone.



Michael Ayotte said...

"You aren't alone."

I couldn't have put it better myself. Calista, please click here. You'll understand when you listen to it:


Calista Antonio said...

thanks evan, i really appreciate it.

mike, that's a really awesome music. thanks for sending me the link. =)

jane said...

cing, ini jane. gw bkl bantu dalam doa! believe that God has healed your dad! The victory is for you and your family, don't confess the sickness.. [: don't cease in prayer; it is the most powerful tool. GBU cing.